The ICONIK 220Tex home vinyl rolls collection is an affordable flooring solution for an easy renovation. Its textile-backing gives vinyl flooring a soft, smooth cushioned feel under-foot, and it dampens sounds too, making your home that little bit quieter. The extra textile layer offers another benefit: because of the extra absorption, it covers irregularities in the surface beneath it, so you won’t need to prepare the subfloor before laying textile backed vinyl. With our Extreme Protection surface treatment your floor is also easy to keep clean and beautiful.
Αποτύπωμα άνθρακα (Cradle to gate)
5.50 kg CO2/m2
Ανακαλύψτε την πλήρη σειρά δαπέδων βινυλίου ICONIK
Τα δάπεδα βινυλίου ICONIK διατίθενται σε διαφορετικά σχέδια και ταιριάζουν καλά σε όλα τα δωμάτια του σπιτιού σας. Τα δάπεδα ICONIK διαθέτουν μια σειρά από διαφορετικά χαρακτηριστικά για να ικανοποιήσουν τις ανάγκες σας και να κάνουν επιτυχημένο το έργο ανακαίνισης του σπιτιού σας.

The ICONIK 220Tex home vinyl rolls collection is an affordable flooring solution for an easy renovation. Its textile-backing gives vinyl flooring a soft, smooth cushioned feel under-foot, and it dampens sounds too, making your home that little bit quieter. The extra textile layer offers another benefit: because of the extra absorption, it covers irregularities in the surface beneath it, so you won’t need to prepare the subfloor before laying textile backed vinyl. With our Extreme Protection surface treatment your floor is also easy to keep clean and beautiful.